What remains of it
hairy? Your guess is as good as mine. By some slip of the finger, I managed to
activate an automatic translator on my computer. The result was that my Mac
began busily to translate everything it could find. It translated French into a
sort of English and even did its worst by translating English into its own
version of the
language. The results were particularly baffling on the news
summary Orange gives me whenever I log on. So, apart from “What remains of it hairy?”,
I was told “Italy, on the verge of suffocation”, “Goal it’s very exciting” and
was also informed that “The striker will miss the chickens of the Euro because
of a bad act”. What a shame. Then Marks and Spencer offered me the chance to
buy “Pants cut off without pliers fine scratches”. Very fashionable, I’m sure.
When I logged onto Facebook I saw the word “Cat” everywhere. It’s
simple, once you get the hang of it: Facebook was offering me the chance to
“chat” with my friends. “Chat” is, of course, the French for “cat”, so that’s what
I ended up with. Fancy a cat anyone? According to everything I’ve read, the ads
and recommendations that pop up when you’re surfing the net are supposed to
reflect you: your browsing and buying history and the profile the machine has
built up about you. I’ll give it the
on-line shoe stores and even the anti-wrinkle cream ads that have
started to appear since my last birthday. But I’m worried that it thinks I need
an English-speaking rehab centre in Spain to help me deal with drink and drug problems.
Amazon is forever urging me to buy a Berlitz guide to Norway. I
once went on a business trip to Stavanger, but that’s about the only connection
I have to the country. Although I’m sure it’s well worth a visit, I’ve no plans
to head there in the near future. Neither, despite Orange continually thrusting
hotels in Budapest at me, does Hungary feature in my travel plans. I’m not sure
either, why someone somewhere thinks I might be interested in hiring a coach in
Sweden. I know I don’t travel light, but if I ever went there, I would probably
be content with a Nissan Micra from Hertz. Facebook, on the other hand, thinks
I should go to Barcelona. Is that before or after rehab?
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